Pass arguments to a scriptblock in powershell

I guess you can't just do this:

  $servicePath = $args[0]

  if(Test-Path -path $servicePath) <-- does not throw in here

  $block = {

        write-host $servicePath -foreground "magenta"

        if((Test-Path -path $servicePath)) { <-- throws here.


So how can I pass my variables to the scriptblock $block?

Keith's answer also works for Invoke-Command, with the limit that you can't use named parameters. The arguments should be set using the -ArgumentList parameter and should be comma separated.

$sb = {
    "p1 is $p1, p2 is $p2, rest of args: $args"
Invoke-Command $sb -ArgumentList 1,2,3,4

Also see here and here.

A scriptblock is just an anonymous function. You can use $args inside the scriptblock as well as declare a param block, for example

$sb = {
  param($p1, $p2)
  $OFS = ','
  "p1 is $p1, p2 is $p2, rest of args: $args"
& $sb 1 2 3 4
& $sb -p2 2 -p1 1 3 4

BTW, if using the script block to run in a separate thread (multi threaded):

$ScriptBlock = {
    return "AAA is $($AAA) and BBB is $($BBB)"

$AAA = "AAA"
$BBB = "BBB1234"    
$null = Start-Job $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $AAA,$BBB

then yields:

$null = Start-Job $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $AAA,$BBB    
Get-Job | Receive-Job
AAA is AAA and BBB is BBB1234