Regex to only keep email:password

Solution 1:

This will match email only after EmailPass :

  • Ctrl+H
  • Find what: .+?EmailPass : (\S+@\S+)
  • Replace with: $1\n
  • UNCHECK Match case
  • CHECK Wrap around
  • CHECK Regular expression
  • CHECK . matches newline
  • Replace all


.+?             # 1 or more any character, not greedy
EmailPass :     # literally
(               # group 1
    \S+             # 1 or more non space
    @               # @
    \S+             # 1 or more non space
)               # end group


$1      # content of group 1, the email
\n      # a linebreak, you can use \r\n for Windows EOL

Screenshot (before):

enter image description here

Screenshot (after):

enter image description here

Solution 2:

This only matches correct emails (emails, containing @ and . and text from sides and between). It also ensures that after the : there is a password provided.


Replace with \1\n

Input example:

Post Code: abc111
EmailPass : [email protected]:password222$£*!

Post Code: abc222
EmailPass : test_222@gmail.:password222$£*!

Post Code: abc111
EmailPass : [email protected]:

Post Code: abc111
EmailPass : [email protected]:password333$£*!


[email protected]:password222$£*!
[email protected]:password333$£*!
