How to direct Ubuntu to use USB connection for Internet

Solution 1:

To use any DataCards on Ubuntu for Internet

sudo apt-get install wvdial

  • run these:

  • lsusb

  • modprobe

  • wvdial

  • modprobe usbserial vendor =0x0eab product =0×9357 (check the output of lsusb for it)

  • open editor for the file /etc/wvdial.conf (you can run the command gksu gedit /etc/wvdial.conf in a terminal) and enter the following lines and save:

[Dialer Defaults]

Init1 = ATZ

Init2 = ATE0V1

Modem Type = Analog Modem

Baud = 115200

New PPPD = yes

Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0

ISDN = 0

Stupid Mode = 1

Phone = #777 // this is for dialing e.g for reliance

Password =

Username =

To avoid modprobe everytime system boots write a simple script i.e on a simple text file and save it with the name , make it executable by running chmod +x and save this file in /usr/bin or in /bin after that just run modeprobe-1 ( it will work like custom command).

#! /bin/bash

echo pwd | sudo -S modprobe usbserial vendor =0x0eab product =0×9357

echo pwd | sudo -S wvdial

(where pwd is your sudo password)