Activate CSS3 animation when the content scrolls into view

I have a bar chart that animates with CSS3 and the animation currently activates as the page loads.

The problem I have is that the given bar chart is placed off screen due to lots of content before it so by the time a user scrolls down to it, the animation has already finished.

I was looking for ways either through CSS3 or jQuery to only activate the CSS3 animation on the bar chart when the viewer sees the chart.

<div>lots of content here, it fills the height of the screen and then some</div>
<div>animating bar chat here</div>

If you scroll down really fast right after page load, you can see it animating.

Here is a jsfiddle of my code. Also, I dont know if this matters, but I have several instances of this bar chart on the page.

I have come across a jQuery plug-in called waypoint but I had absolutely no luck getting it to work.

If someone could point me in the right direction, it would be really helpful.


Capture scroll events

This requires using JavaScript or jQuery to capture scroll events, checking each time a scroll event fires to see if the element is in view.

Once the element is in view, start the animation. In the code below, this is done by adding a "start" class to the element, that triggers the animation.

Updated demo


<div class="bar">
    <div class="level eighty">80%</div>


.eighty.start {
    width: 0px;
    background: #aae0aa;
    -webkit-animation: eighty 2s ease-out forwards;
       -moz-animation: eighty 2s ease-out forwards;
        -ms-animation: eighty 2s ease-out forwards;
         -o-animation: eighty 2s ease-out forwards;
            animation: eighty 2s ease-out forwards;


function isElementInViewport(elem) {
    var $elem = $(elem);

    // Get the scroll position of the page.
    var scrollElem = ((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('webkit') != -1) ? 'body' : 'html');
    var viewportTop = $(scrollElem).scrollTop();
    var viewportBottom = viewportTop + $(window).height();

    // Get the position of the element on the page.
    var elemTop = Math.round( $elem.offset().top );
    var elemBottom = elemTop + $elem.height();

    return ((elemTop < viewportBottom) && (elemBottom > viewportTop));

// Check if it's time to start the animation.
function checkAnimation() {
    var $elem = $('.bar .level');

    // If the animation has already been started
    if ($elem.hasClass('start')) return;

    if (isElementInViewport($elem)) {
        // Start the animation

// Capture scroll events

Sometimes you need the animation to always occur when the element is in the viewport. If this is your case, I slightly modified Matt jsfiddle code to reflect this.


// Check if it's time to start the animation.
function checkAnimation() {
    var $elem = $('.bar .level');

    if (isElementInViewport($elem)) {
        // Start the animation
    } else {

In order to activate a CSS animation, a class needs to be added to the element when this becomes visible. As other answers have indicated, JS is required for this and Waypoints is a JS script that can be used.

Waypoints is the easiest way to trigger a function when you scroll to an element.

Up to Waypoints version 2, this used to be a relatively simple jquery plugin. In version 3 and above (this guide version 3.1.1) several features have been introduced. In order to accomplish the above with this, the 'inview shortcut' of the script can be used:

  1. Download and add the script files from this link or from Github (version 3 is not yet available through CDNJS, although RawGit is always an option too).

  2. Add the script to your HTML as usual.

    <script src="/path/to/lib/jquery.waypoints.min.js"></script>
    <script src="/path/to/shortcuts/inview.min.js"></script>
  3. Add the following JS code, replacing #myelement with the appropriate HTML element jQuery selector:

    $(window).load(function () {
        var in_view = new Waypoint.Inview({
            element: $('#myelement')[0],
            enter: function() {
            exit: function() {  // optionally

We use $(window).load() for reasons explained here.

Updated Matt's fiddle here.

You do not need to capture scroll events anymore

Since 2020, every browser is able to notify if an element is visible in your viewport.

With intersection observer.

I posted the code here:

In addition to these answers please consider these points :

1- Checking the element in view has many considerations :
How to tell if a DOM element is visible in the current viewport?

2- If someone wanted to have more control over the animation (e.g. set "the animation type" and "start delay") here is a good article about it :

3- And also it seems that calling addClass without a delay (using setTimeout) is not effective.