i3 in vmware doesn't share clipboard with host windows-machine

My main os is Windows, I then run ubuntu in VmWare. Before switching to i3 on gnome, I used Ubuntu gnome. In Ubuntu, I could share the clipboard between the windows-host and the ubuntu-virtual machine without any issues. However, after changing to the tiling window manager i3 in my ubuntu-virtual machine, I suddenly wasn't able to share the clipboard between the host system and the virtual machine. (As a side note, the hotkey for copy-pasting also changed after changing to i3, now it is e.g. ctrl+shift+c for copying.)

My question is: How do I share the system clipboard between my ubuntu virtual machine using i3 (VmWare), and my host windows machine?


Just stumpled upon this question and answer pair (though it's from 2013), quite similar to my question with the exception being he asks about i3 on arch, whereas I ask about i3 on ubuntu. I haven't tried 'autocutsel' out as the answer suggests yet, do you think it'll work?

I followed this article, it's content is short, so I just copied it:

First, make sure you have VMware tools installed.

sudo service vmware-tools status

If it’s not installed, then first make sure you don’t have the open-vm-tools installed.

sudo service open-vm-tools status

If you do have it installed, uninstall it.

sudo apt-get remove open-vm-tools
sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove open-vm-tools
sudo apt-get purge open-vm-tools
sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove open-vm-tools
sudo reboot

Then, after your computer reboots, you can install the VMware tools. If you didn't have open-vm-tools, you can skip to this step.

Click on Virtual Machine > Install / Update / Reinstall VMware Tools. Extract the VMware Tools tar to the Desktop and follow the below commands.

cd Desktop/vmware-tools-distrib
Run this command to install VMware Tools:
sudo ./vmware-install.pl
Follow the prompts to install. I picked the defaults.

Reboot your computer and copy/paste should work with the default window manager.

Since I already had vmware-tools installed, all I had to do was:

If you use i3 as a window manager, go to the i3 config at ~/.config/i3/config and add the following line at the end. (This assumes you already had an i3 configuration file created).

exec --no-startup-id vmware-user

Log out and log back in.