How to force Fedora 12 to start to text mode?

Solution 1:

When you first start your computer, the GRUB screen (where you choose your Operating System) appears. Select the Fedora that you want to boot into, but press the a key instead of pressing Enter.

You will see a line somewhat like the following:

kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.9-1.667 ro root=LABEL=/ acpi=on rhgb quiet

Add the number of your runlevel to the end of that line, and then press Enter. For example, to boot into text-only mode, the line would look like:

kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.9-1.667 ro root=LABEL=/ acpi=on rhgb quiet 3

You will then boot into the new runlevel this time only.

More about runlevels:

Solution 2:

Hold down Ctrl when booting to show the GRUB menu. Then select the kernel you care about, hit A, remove rhgb if it shows on the line, then go to the end and type Space3Enter.

Solution 3:

Since this thread is the top most on when searching for How to boot Fedora to text mode I add this guidance for newer versions of Fedora.

To boot into text mode in never versions of Fedora 16+ using GRUB2 the steps are slightly differren:

  1. When you first start your computer, the GRUB screen (where you choose your Operating System) appears
  2. Select the Fedora that you want to boot into, and press the e key instead of pressing Enter to edit selected item
  3. Scroll down to find the parameter quiet parameter and add white space and number three just after the quiet parameter, ie quiet 3
  4. Press Ctrl+X to start
  5. Fedora will reboot into the text mode

Tested on Fedora 20, 22, 29