My crafters are addicted to Death's Breath! How can I help fulfill that need?

That Mystic is such an addict. All I want is to tweak my items, and she refuses to do so much as get up unless I wave one of these under her nose. It's gotten so bad, she sometimes wants two or even three of them! She's lazy, too. She'll only provide a couple tweaks, neither of which are useful, therefore necessitating yet more Death's Breaths. She's so bad, even Shen and Haedrig have gotten addicted, too! Which means I have to give them some, too, or they refuse to do their jobs, either. I tell you, some people...

What's a great way to stockpile this rare (and apparently, highly addictive) resource? Do higher difficulty levels offer a better chance of it dropping?

Solution 1:

Yes, higher difficulties will drop Death's Breath at a higher rate. So if you need loads of them, it is best to farm Rifts on Torment 1 and higher.

The drop chances are as follows:

  • Normal - 15%
  • Hard - 18%
  • Expert - 21%
  • Master - 25%
  • Torment 1 - 31%
  • Torment 2 - 37%
  • Torment 3 - 44%
  • Torment 4 - 53%
  • Torment 5 - 64%
  • Torment 6 - 77%
