Uses for a small Virtual Private Server?

I rented a small VPS (~130MB of RAM) to run an IRC bot. The bot is no longer needed so I have a VPS until the billing period ends.

I also have shared web hosting but can anyone think of what a VPS might be useful for that can't be done on shared hosting?

I'm a developer for both web and desktop apps.

Suggestions for larger VPS's also welcome.

Solution 1:

Perhaps use it to host an exit node for the Tor network? Your ToS might block this though...

Solution 2:

  • Mumble (or other VoIP) server
  • SVN / bzr / git + web interface
  • email
  • screen + irssi
  • rsync destination
  • torrent seeder (watch out for ToS and bandwidth charges!)
  • podcast processor - transcode for a target platform, time stretch audio to speed it up, or even cut out the leading and trailing X seconds of advertising and title/credits fluff. This will require CPU you wont have on shared hosting, and programs you need root access to install.
  • nginx / lighthttpd. Use the opportunity to learn about alternative web servers.
  • run a tor node. It's not like you care if the account gets suspended.

Solution 3:

Counterstrike game server!?!?!!

Don't really play games anymore, so I'm not sure if CS is still popular, so replace counterstrike with any other FPS that requires a host server.

Install BOINC and pick a project

This is what became of the SETI@Home project although you can now pick many projects to donate your CPU cycles to.