I have found a workaround. In that list, let’s call it Downloads, I have put the word “downloads” in every reminder item. Like so:


  • Download http://arstechnica.com/apple/2014/10/os-x-10-10/24/#javascript-automation
  • Download https://www.apple.com/downloads/dashboard/

Redundant and not too pretty, but it works.

The way I accomplished this was the following actions:

  1. Find Calendar Items
    1. Find Reminders where
    2. All of the following are true
    3. Any content contains list_name
  2. Event Summary
  3. …Now you can run other actions like “Extract URLs from Text“

Then you’re done.

One thing I have learned is that (so far) there is no way to retrieve the contents of a list from Reminders. These actions will grab any item that has the text of the list name. It won’t grab that list (or all the contents) even though the list has the stirng I am searching for. It makes sense but it is lacking a bit.