How do I copy and paste all text from a microsoft word document into someplace else without grabbing text from comments?

Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V will grab every comment and add it to the bottom of the text after a paste.

I'd like to keep my comments in my documents and be able to copy-paste the document text from place to place without having to worry about whether or not a comment I put in the document is going to pop up.

Is this possible?

Try ... Ctrl+Shift+V which should paste as plain text.

If you are pasting into a website using Chrome or Edge, those are the two browsers I tested the key sequence with under Windows, then this sequence works. You can also just right click on the text box using either of those two browsers and you should see this:

enter image description here

I am running Windows 10 and I cannot attest to what a non-current version of Windows accepts. And BTW ... if you are on a Mac, Safari does not accept that exact sequence.

Use the paste context menu that appears after pasting something. If you do nothing afterwards, the menu disappears.

word paste menu