How do I find the current directory of a batch file, and then use it for the path?
I have a batch file that I intend to distribute to our customers to run a software task.
We distribute them as a folder or .zip
with the files inside. Inside, there is the batch files and another folder with the files needed to run the batch.
Normally, when you make a batch, you type the path where the files are. But I won't know where the files are. The files will still be kept inside the master folder, but I need to have the batch find that folder to run the files.
So for example: If they have the master folder on the desktop and they run it, it would need to be something like "C:\Users\Username\Desktop"
to run. You would have the batch CD to that location.
But what if they run it from documents? I don't know the username, so I have to somehow have the batch find this. Any code and/or instructions would be great.
Solution 1:
There is no need to know where the files are, because when you launch a bat file the working directory is the directory where it was launched (the "master folder"), so if you have this structure:
And the user starts the "mybat.bat", the working directory is ".\mydocuments\folder", so you only need to write the subfolder name in your script:
@Echo OFF
REM Do anything with ".\Subfolder\File1.txt"
PUSHD ".\Subfolder"
Type "File1.txt"
Anyway, the working directory is stored in the "%CD%" variable, and the directory where the bat was launched is stored on the argument 0. Then if you want to know the working directory on any computer you can do:
@Echo OFF
Echo Launch dir: "%~dp0"
Echo Current dir: "%CD%"
Solution 2:
ElektroStudios answer is a bit misleading.
"when you launch a bat file the working dir is the dir where it was launched" This is true if the user clicks on the batch file in the explorer.
However, if the script is called from another script using the CALL command, the current working directory does not change.
Thus, inside your script, it is better to use %~dp0subfolder\file1.txt
Please also note that %~dp0 will end with a backslash when the current script is not in the current working directory. Thus, if you need the directory name without a trailing backslash, you could use something like
echo I am here: %THIS_DIR%
goto :EOF
pushd %~dp0
goto :EOF
Solution 3:
You can also do
Pushd "%~dp0"
Which also takes running from a unc path into consideration.
Solution 4:
Try in yourbatch
set "batchisin=%~dp0"
which should set the variable to your batch's location.