How to check internet connection in AngularJs

Solution 1:

First of all, I advise you to listen to online/offline events.

You can do it this way in AnguarJS:

var app = module('yourApp', []);$window, $rootScope) {
      $ = navigator.onLine;
      $window.addEventListener("offline", function() {
        $rootScope.$apply(function() {
          $ = false;
      }, false);

      $window.addEventListener("online", function() {
        $rootScope.$apply(function() {
          $ = true;
      }, false);

NOTE: I am wrapping changing of root scope's variable in $apply method to notify Angular that something was changed.

After that you can:

In controlller:

$scope.$watch('online', function(newStatus) { ... });

In HTML markup:

 <div ng-show="online">You're online</div>
 <div ng-hide="online">You're offline</div>

Here is a working Plunker:

Other solution could be to broadcast online/offline event. But in this case you need to initialize current status upon loading and then subscribe to event.

Solution 2:

It's definitely not as nice, but you could just try an AJAX request to your web server; it'll either succeed or time out.

Also, the HubSpot/offline project looks really good.