A web shell to ssh via browser? [closed]

I've heard good recommendations for AjaxTerm, though I've never used it. Install it on a website under your control before you leave.

The downside of this, or indeed of any solution that requires you to use clients not under your control (internet points/cafés), is that you'll have to type your password on a machine that may be running a keylogger that will record it and then use your account (typically to send spam). And yes, there are plenty of keyloggers on such machines in the wild. In fact your server policy may forbid you from doing this.

You can alleviate most of the risks by setting up one-time passwords on your servers (most attackers won't bother supporting this). Don't forget to take your password list with you.

If you have your own laptop, AjaxTerm or equivalent is still useful if your only internet connection is behind a firewall that blocks ssh traffic. If you can run an ssh server on port 443, this will fool some firewalls, and using something like corkscrew will fool some more.


This is a free (registration free, too, I believe) service. Note that all traffic is unencrypted by that website, so (as they admit) it is theoretically possible for them to intercept. Understand this and you'll be fine.

If you can install stuff on at least one of your servers then you could use shellinabox (and the man page). Basically gives you a shell embedded in a web page on your own server.