How to know which program or service take long time at and after PC Starting?

I want to identify which program consumes and takes computer resources on a Windows 7 during start up and after logging in, because after I log in my hard disk LED stays lit for almost 5 minutes.

I want to know which program "eats" my hard disk? And how do I make my PC faster?

There are many start-up managers capable of monitoring and controlling the boot process.

Some of them can report how long it takes for each service to start.

Check this list of freeware start-up managers:

To be honest, I am personally have not used any of the listed programs, but you can read each specific review and figure out which one is the best.

I think you should really give Soluto a try. Soluto is in beta and is free. It lists exactly how long each process and service take from your start-up, and recommends what you should do with each.

As full disclosure, I work at Soluto, but I'm not ashamed to offer our first feature as a solution to your problem (I'm a long time user here and have never offered Soluto in an answer). If you want to learn more, you can take a look at Robert Scoble's interview here: Why can Soluto do what Microsoft can’t? They get rid of Windows frustrations.

If you give it a try - let us know how it goes :)