Is there a word to name being unable to think of "proper terminology" for something?

Solution 1:

"Tip-of-the-tongue" is used to refer to situations in which a person knows a word but cannot produce it at the time. We say--when trying to answer a question--"It's right on the tip of my tongue."

Solution 2:

The extreme case is called Anomic Aphasia:

With it, you are often unable to supply the correct words for the things you want to talk about.

Solution 3:

There is also circumlocution, defined here as "the use of many words to say something that could be said more clearly and directly by using fewer words".

Solution 4:

lethologica is not a medical condition but just the inability to remember a word or put your finger on the right word

Word replacement? Catachresis is the misuse or strained use of words, as in a mixed metaphor, occurring either in error or for rhetorical effect.

Though a using more words than required is a pleonasm, the concept is not based on deconstructing a known word

Solution 5:

"to paraphrase" means to say something in other words. If you don't remember the exact word for something you have to paraphrase it. If you don't remember the word for elephant you have to paraphrase it: the animal in Africa that is as big as a house with a large trunk and two long tusks. .