Assign command output to variable in batch file
I'm trying to assign the output of a command to a variable - as in, I'm trying to set the current flash version to a variable. I know this is wrong, but this is what I've tried:
set var=reg query hklm\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\FlashPlayer\CurrentVersion>
reg query hklm\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\FlashPlayer\CurrentVersion >> set var
Yeah, as you can see I'm a bit lost. Any and all help is appreciated!
Solution 1:
A method has already been devised, however this way you don't need a temp file.
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('command') do set output=%%i
However, I'm sure this has its own exceptions and limitations.
Solution 2:
This post has a method to achieve this
from (zvrba) You can do it by redirecting the output to a file first. For example:
echo zz > bla.txt
set /p VV=<bla.txt
echo %VV%
Solution 3:
You can't assign a process output directly into a var, you need to parse the output with a For /F loop:
@Echo OFF
FOR /F "Tokens=2,*" %%A IN (
'Reg Query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayer" /v "CurrentVersion"'
) DO (
REM Set "Version=%%B"
Echo Version: %%B
PS: Change the reg key used if needed.
Solution 4:
Okay here some more complex sample for the use of For /F
:: Main
@prompt -$G
call :REGQUERY "Software\Classes\CLSID\{3E6AE265-3382-A429-56D1-BB2B4D1D}"
@goto :EOF
:: for the key and lists its content
@call :EXEC "REG QUERY HKCU\%~1"
@call :EXEC "REG QUERY "HKLM\%~1""
@goto :EOF
@set output=
@for /F "delims=" %%i in ('%~1 2^>nul') do @(
set output=%%i
@if not "%output%"=="" (
echo %1 -^> %output%
@goto :EOF
I packed it into the sub function :EXEC so all of its nasty details of implementation doesn't litters the main script. So it got some kinda some batch tutorial. Notes 'bout the code:
- the output from the command executed via call :EXEC command is stored in %output%. Batch cmd doesn't cares about scopes so %output% will be also available in the main script.
- the @ the beginning is just decoration and there to suppress echoing the command line. You may delete them all and just put some @echo off at the first line is really dislike that. However like this I find debugging much more nice. Decoration Number two is prompt -$G. It's there to make command prompt look like this ->
- I use :: instead of rem
- the tilde(~) in %~1 is to remove quotes from the first argument
2^>nul is there to suppress/discard stderr error output. Normally you would do it via 2>nul. Well the ^ the batch escape char is there avoids to early resolving the redirector(>). There's some simulare use a little later in the script:
echo %1 -^>...
so there ^ makes it possible the output a '>' via echo what else wouldn't have been possible. - even if the compare at
@if not "%output%"==""
looks like in most common programming languages - it's maybe different that you expected (if you're not used to MS-batch). Well remove the '@' at the beginning. Study the output. Change it tonot %output%==""
-rerun and consider why this doesn't work. ;)