How does Skill Cooldown Reduction work?

I have done some research and I found that there is no CDR cap. However it is impossible to reach 100% CDR since CDR is calculated with a formula like this (I am bad at theoretical math and creating formulas so I'll just show an example):

Your CDR Stats:

  • 50 % Weapon
  • 20 % Helmet
  • 13 % Boots
  • 11 % Chest
  • 6 % Belt

This would add up to 100% Right? Yeah it would add up but CDR Is multiplicative and this is how it's calculated.

1 - ((1 - 0.5) * (1 - 0.2) * (1 - 0.13) * (1 - 0.11) * (1 - 0.06))

which basically is:

1 - (0.5 * 0.8 * 0.87 * 0.89 * 0.94) = 0.7088632

This means your final CDR is 70.9% which is still quite a lot but as you can see it's absolutely impossible to reach 100% with the current items. But since the final CDR value is rounded, it would be technically possible with items that get you to 99.95% CDR.