Note taking software that supports images
Is there a note taking software that supports image insertion? And best with font changing of area texts. I use tomboy before, that has no image support.
Solution 1:
You can try zim .
To install zim, run this command in a terminal:
sudo apt-get install zim
Solution 2:
What about cherry-tree.. ?? seems pretty complete to me.
Supports images and also syntax highlights (for developers)... cross-platform & portable (easy move the data between different machines/os ex:using dropbox)
Solution 3:
Check out Xournal++. It supports inserting images in the notebook (click on the image icon in the toolbar), and changing their size.
It further supports annotating with mouse, text input from keyboard (including LATEX), and input from Wacom tablets.
To install its latest stable version in supported version of Ubuntu, use the following commands. The PPA supports Ubuntu 18.04+. It also hosts packages for ARM and PowerPC.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apandada1/xournalpp-stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install xournalpp
Solution 4:
I use Nixnote and it supports images.
Nixnote (formerly Nevernote) is an open source clone of Evernote.
Evernote makes it easy to remember things big and small from your everyday life using your computer, phone, tablet and importantly for you the web. For this solution you must use the Evernote (clipper) extension for Mozilla Firefox. (Available in Firefox Add-ons)
When you browse the internet using Firefox and you come across a website that you want to keep for review (text and Pictures), the Evernote clipper will allow you to this.
When you install NixNote on Ubuntu desktop you can set it up to automatically synchronize with your Evernote note book. The result will be that all your websites that you want to review will be in the NixNote desktop software.
To install it, enter the following command
sudo apt install nixnote2