Interesting partition Map with missing HD space

Disk1 is a "virtual device" which resides in disk0s2 (the Apple_CoreStorage Volume Group which actually contains a FileVault volume). You have only one 'physical device' indeed.

Disk0s5 is probably an old Bootcamp installation.

The clean way (get rid of the 2 Recovery HDs):

  1. Make a complete Time Machine backup of Macintosh HD.
  2. Start to Internet Recovery Mode by pressing alt cmd R
  3. Start Terminal and enter following command at the Terminal prompt:
    diskutil cs list. The output will look like this:

    CoreStorage logical volume groups (1 found)
    +-- Logical Volume Group 5B8350BF-20EF-4199-82E6-129EFF19E9EB
        Name:         Macintosh HD
        Status:       Online
        Size:         319640592384 B (319.4 GB)
        Free Space:   6111232 B (6.1 MB)
        +-< Physical Volume 907FCDE2-0C62-4951-A39E-36F19244FDB7
        |   ----------------------------------------------------
        |   Index:    0
        |   Disk:     disk0s2
        |   Status:   Online
        |   Size:     319640592384 B (319.4 GB)
        +-> Logical Volume Family 2FA7892F-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
            Encryption Status:       Unlocked
            Encryption Type:         None
            Conversion Status:       NoConversion
            Conversion Direction:    -none-
            Has Encrypted Extents:   No
            Fully Secure:            No
            Passphrase Required:     No
            +-> Logical Volume 7BF42B7B-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
                Disk:                  disk1
                Status:                Online
                Size (Total):          319282155520 B (319.0 GB)
                Conversion Progress:   -none-
                Revertible:            No
                LV Name:               Macintosh HD
                Volume Name:           Macintosh HD
                Content Hint:          Apple_HFS
  4. Copy the Logical Volume Group (LVG) alphanumeric UUID of your CoreStorage volume. The LVG should be the first UUID listed and it’s the one you want to delete.

  5. Next, run the following command: diskutil cs delete UUID
    In the above example: diskutil cs delete 5B8350BF-20EF-4199-82E6-129EFF19E9EB
    This will delete your CoreStorage volume and reformat it as an unencrypted HFS+ volume. Quit Terminal
  6. In the now opening window choose Disk Utility and erase/partition the internal drive.


    Choose your physical device in the left pane enter a name and format it Mac OS Extended (Journaled). If this isn't possible partition your physical device: 1 Partition Mac OS Extended (Journaled) click the Options... button and choose GUID Partition Table enter OK and Apply. Quit Disk Utility.

  7. Plug in your Time Machine backup drive.
  8. Start Restore from Time Machine Backup and recover your old system


The dirty and risky way (no Time Machine backup):

  1. Turn off File Vault 2. This may take several hours.
  2. Use Boot Camp Assistant to remove the Windows installation. If this doesn't work continue with a reboot:
  3. Start to Internet Recovery Mode by pressing alt cmd R
  4. In the now opening window choose Disk Utility
  5. Remove disk0s5 by choosing it and clicking on -

    enter image description here

  6. Try also to remove Recovery HD

  7. Try to expand Macintosh HD to full size

If the last two steps don't work give me a comment