Can't download from App Store
A click on "Install App" does nothing. No error message, no download. I am trying to download an app appropriate for my installed OS.
I've rebooted and signed out/in at the app store. No change.
I'm editing because this appears to be the same issue. I signed out and into the app store, and am trying to update existing software.
This is the resulting error message. It references "other account" but this is the account I use, exact same ID I just signed in with.
Solution 1:
Try resetting the Mac App Store.
Enable the debug menu and restart the Mac App Store.
defaults write ShowDebugMenu -bool true
Choose the Reset Application option and restart the Mac App Store.
Solution 2:
After struggling with the error message of "updates for other accounts", I found a solution to all of it.
The apple forums offered the solution through the debug option.
Type defaults write ShowDebugMenu -bool true
into terminal and a combination of Cache Buster, Clear Cookies and Reset App did the trick.
After that, the apps were able to update. FWIW, I tried download a new app, but wasn't quickly able to find a Snow Leo app. 10 tries, and all wanted a newer OS.