Am I in a virtual network, or not logging in to my gateway?

When I do a LAN Scan, my gateway address is completly different than the address I use to log in to my router. Is this normal?

I have factory reset my router, and no change. Please let me know if I can provide any more information. Thanks in advance

When I run a scan to get my network info I see

  1. My external IP is one thing (which I haven’t been able to change in years) and starts with 174.172.x.x.
  2. My default gateway is one thing and starts with 100.115.x.x.

When I log in to my router I used the IP address that the manufacturer tells me to use that starts with 192.168.x.x

I am very sorry if I am just ignorant to this. It just looks very weird.

Solution 1:

This all looks correct (although the use of carrier grade NAT is less then ideal) and virtual networks do not apply.

I expect the bit you are missing is that you are behind Carrier Grade NAT. Carrier Grade NAT works like regular NAT except at an ISP level, and often using the IP range set aside for it - ie 100.64.x.x to 100.127.x.x

Thus what is most likely happening is :

Your LAN is using 192.168.x.x, and your WAN port is assigned 100.115.x.x. Your ISP has grouped your external IP address with others and uses Carrier grade NAT to enable wider internet access via 174.172.x.x - This means that when you go to a site like it says your IP address is 174.172.x.x.