Regex for number with decimals and thousand separator

I need regex to validate a number that could contain thousand separators or decimals using javascript. Max value being 9,999,999.99 Min value 0.01 Other valid values: 11,111 11.1 1,111.11

INVALID values: 1111 1111,11 ,111 111,

I've searched all over with no joy.


About the minimum and maximum values... Well, I wouldn't do it with a regex, but you can add lookaheads at the beginning:


Note: this allows 0,999.00, so you may want to change it to:


which would not allow a leading 0.



It worked on a few, but I'm still learning regex as well.

The logic should be 1-3 digits 0-1 times, 1 comma followed by 3 digits any number of times, and a single . followed by any number of digits 0-1 times

Tezra's formula fails for '1.' or '1.0'. For my purposes, I allow leading and trailing zeros, as well as a leading + or - sign, like so:


In a recent project we needed to alter this version in order to meet international requirements. This is what we used: ^-?(\d{1,3}(?<tt>\.|\,| ))((\d{3}\k<tt>)*(\d{3}(?!\k<tt>)[\.|\,]))?\d*$

Creating a named group (?<tt>\.|\,| ) allowed us to use the negative look ahead (?!\k<tt>)[\.|\,]) later to ensure the thousands separator and the decimal point are in fact different.