WebSVN accept untrusted HTTPS certificate

I am using websvn with a remote repository. This repository uses https protocol. After having configured websvn I get on the websvn webpage:

svn --non-interactive --config-dir /tmp list --xml --username '***' --password '***' 'https://scm.gforge.....'
OPTIONS of 'https://scm.gforge.....': Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted 

I don't know how to indicate to websvn to execute svn command in order to accept and to store the certificate. Does someone knows how to do it?


It works! In order to have something which is well organized I have updated the WebSVN config file to relocate the subversion config directory to /etc/subversion which is the default path for debian:


In /etc/subversion/servers I have created a group and associated the certificate to trust:

my_repo = my.repo.url.to.trust

ssl-trust-default-ca = true
store-plaintext-passwords = no

ssl-authority-files = /etc/apache2/ssl/my.repo.url.to.trust.crt

You have two possible methods available to resolve this.

Option 1:

su to the user websvn is running as and perform svn log https://your.secure.repo.com/repo/ against the target server. Subversion should then ask you to accept the certificate and you could choose to do so on a permanent basis. Then the cert will be okay to use.

Option 2:

Again, as the user the websvn process runs on, edit ~/.subversion/servers and add to the [global] section;

ssl-authority-files = /home/websvn/ssl/CAcert1.pem

If your after something quicky, then option 1 is the one to use, otherwise go for option two


As the poster pointed out in the command, svn is being called with the --config-dir option. This means that subversion will expect its configurations to be located in that directory, in this case /tmp. Thus copy the servers and config from ~/.subversion/ to /tmp directory and the subversion client will use those.

There is a third, simpler option. It is possible to configure websvn to trust all server certificates. In include/config.php add or uncomment the following line:
