How do I solve the first set of clues in Part 1 of Paper Trail?

I can't make heads or tails of what I'm supposed to do here; I've looked at the origami dove, the crime scene photos, and the detective's wallet, but I can't figure out what Delsin's Phone is supposed to be used for, or where I should even be looking. Help!

Since part of the fun of Paper Trail is figuring things out for yourself, I'm going to spoiler-code some things, so people can get only the hints they need. However, some parts of the solution are pretty obscure, so a small nudge in the right direction may be all that many people need, myself included.

  1. Examine the wallet, thoroughly. Don't overlook anything you see; it's all of potential importance. Note that some items can be flipped over to examine what's on the reverse side.

  2. Pay particular attention to the detective agency business card.

  3. Pay particular-particular attention to the e-mail address on the business card.

  4. Try opening the domain name "" in your web browser.

  5. Scroll down and click the "Employees Log In Here" link. Click the "Forgot Password" link on the following page.

  6. All of the clues that you need to log in can be found in the detective's wallet. Remember to check the back of every item.

  7. Once you're logged in, click on the active case and read everything.

  8. Enter the Mobile Device ID into Delsin's Phone on the main Paper Trail site.

  9. Start the next leg of the mission in the game!