How do I remove windows after installing Ubuntu 12.04 via WUBI

I'm about to install Ubuntu by using Wubi. Can I then delete Windows and keep Ubuntu?

You cannot remove Windows after a WUBI installation. WUBI installs as a folder INSIDE Windows so if you delete your Windows partition, you will delete your Wubi-Ubuntu as well.

If you want to remove Windows you have 2 options.

  • Install Ubuntu as a dual boot and then after you know everything works you can remove your Windows.

  • Install Ubuntu and during installation select the option that will install Ubuntu on the entire disk. This will reformat the entire disk and wipe Windows in the process.

If you are sure that Ubuntu will work with your system then I would recommend the second one as it is less work, just make sure to save all your important files first.

If you are not sure if Ubuntu is for you, install as a Wubi system and try it, if it works on your computer and you want to wipe Windows you can either migrate your Wubi install or just do a Standard install (if you don't do alot of changes to your Wubi install, I would just do a clean install rather than migrate).

You can't. The virtual partition that is running Ubuntu is coming from Windows. You have to pop in your Ubuntu CD, reboot, then go through the installation process. If you want to get rid of Windows, select the option to replace Windows with Ubuntu.