Print a huge SVG

I use Google Chrome to view a 1178x5408 .svg file. It includes a lot of small "subgraphics" (screenshots of dialogs, connected by arrows .. think "wizard"), the whole thing is created by graphviz.

Now I want to print it properly. For me it is important to not scale the whole thing down to one piece of paper, since then I can not see anything of the small screenshots anymore.

What are my best options?

Solution 1:

I suggest you use Inkscape to open the SVG file and print it from there. It has far better options on printing than Chrome does for SVG.

Shift + Ctrl + D will get you document options:

Document Options

Solution 2:

Just had to solve this today. I used Inkscape's Print and printed to a PDF file (which is a standard feature on Linux; I don't know about other platforms), and then I used pdfposter to split it into pages:

pdfposter -m a4 -p a3 infile.pdf outfile.pdf

Translation: use A4 pages to build an A3-sized poster.

Solution 3:

Since most of the answers seemed to focus on command-line solutions, I'd like to add this. And really it goes along with BloodPhilla's answer (Inkscape), because you need to convert the SVG to a PNG first to use this tool, but here it is: PosteRazor. Once you have a PNG, you can feed it into this program and in 4 easy wizard-y steps you get a multi-page PDF that can be assembled into a "poster". I had to play around with margins and overlaps a little bit to get things the way I wanted it, plus you need to be aware of your printer's physical limitation on edge printing, but overall, a worthwhile little tool for this kind of thing.

Solution 4:

ok, i used wkhtmltopdf to get a reasonable, good looking .pdf from that .svg:

% wkhtmltopdf.exe input.svg output.pdf