A diophantine equation with only "titanic" solutions

I made a note some time ago that I had read in some book that the equation


has positive integer solutions, but that these are so large that it would be absolutely hopeless to search for them with computers. Unfortunately, I didn't write down where I read this and if you only have the equation, the results Google gives you aren't very helpful. I could only find this so far.

Can someone point me to an article or book where I can read more about this equation? (Preferably something with a proof of the claim above which is accessible even if you're not an expert in number theory.)

Solution 1:

The equation $313(x^3+y^3) = t^3$ is equivalent to finding,


As Achille Hui points out, Noam Elkies found the solution with $83$-digits,

$$\small x_0 = 355507307842882624593086325021133856149447336710120844428552934573043094018915 289363\\ \small y_0 = -354602746692986709129018423204648314355484458881941451025238387384142099383045 862152 \\ \small z_0 =1517122651849438712721950935044230084378368307868200665761294465082177989014675811$$

Update: Curiously, $3(x_0+y_0) = (3\cdot 7\cdot 8273\cdot 64072783\cdot 125303678787043)^3$.

However, the OP wants them positive. Using the method also discussed in this post, given an initial solution to,

$$ax^3+by^3 = cz^3\tag2$$

then a new one can be derived as,

$$a(-bxy^3-cxz^3)^3 + b(ax^3y+cyz^3)^3 = c(-ax^3z+by^3z)^3\tag3$$

We can use $(3)$ iteratively to find an infinite number of solutions. We have,

$$x_0,y_0,z_0 = +,\,-,\,+\\ x_1,y_1,z_1 = +,\,-,\,-\\ x_2,y_2,z_2 = +,\,-,\,+\\ x_3,y_3,z_3 = +,\,-,\,-\\ x_4,y_4,z_4 = \color{red}{+,\,+,\,+} $$

and so on. So the fourth iteration is all positive. Approximately,

$$x_4 = 1.908757×10^{21389}\\ y_4 = 4.955536×10^{21389}\\ z_4 = 1.095063×10^{21388}$$

They are too long to explicitly write down, but if you have Mathematica, you can retrace the steps taken and see those numbers in all their glory.

Solution 2:

The curve $a^3+b^3=N$ is birationally equivalent to the elliptic curve $y^2=x^3-432N^2$ with \begin{equation} a=\frac{36N+y}{6x} \hspace{2cm} b=\frac{36N-y}{6x} \end{equation}

For $N=313^2$, the curve has rank $1$ and generator $G=(x_0,y_0)$ with



which give the solution Noam Elkies tabulated.

The curve has no torsion points so all rational solutions come from points of the form $mP, \, \, m=1,2,\ldots$.

Looking at the above transformations, a positive solution will only arise when $|y| < 36N$ since $x>0$ always.

Experiments show that this first happens when $m=9$ giving a solution with roughly 6770 digits