What is the browser-default background color when selecting text?

When you select text in a webpage, the background gets a default blue color. What exact color code does this blue color have?

  1. Safari 6.0.3 Mac*: #B4D5FE
  2. Chrome 26.0.1410.65 Mac*: #ACCEF7
  3. Firefox 19.0 Mac*: #B4D5FF
  4. Chrome 26.0.1410.64 m Windows 8+: #3297FD
  5. Firefox 20.0.1 Windows 8+: #3399FF
  6. Safari 5.1.7 Windows 8+: #3298FD
  7. Internet Explorer 10.0.4 Windows 8+: #3399FF

*Found using ColorSnapper for Mac+Found using ColorSchemer for Windows

And here's a screenshot of that information with the hex color codes highlighted in the same color:

Screenshot of hex color codes highlighted in same color

This will be a never ending list, however, since each...

  1. Browser
  2. Operating System
  3. Browser Version (maybe)

...will have a different color. Also, as of CSS3, you can change the color using:
