PFSense Stuck At "Please wait while the update system initializes" while uninstaling or upgrading any package

I just had this weird problem on my PFSense VM. It neither can upgrade nor uninstall any package and is always stuck at Please wait while the update system initializes.

I tried rebooting. Still no avail. I've tried running pkg_info on PFsense cmd as mentioned by this post, but it shows sh: pkg_info: not found.

PFSense Version: 
2.4.5-RELEASE-p1 (amd64)
built on Tue Jun 02 17:51:17 EDT 2020

Solution 1:

Check your pfSense version. I had to update from pfSense 2.4.5_1 to pfSense 2.5.0. That solved the problem for me.

Solution 2:

I had to go to System / Update / Update Settings and set to previous stable version 2.4.5 deprecated bc I am still on 2.4.5-RELEASE-p1.

After doing that, package manger didn't show any updates for a few min and then eventually it started showing updates that were right for my branch.

Then I was able to upgrade pfBlockerNG-devel to 3.0.0_10 whereas previously it was trying to upgrade to 3.0.0_15 and just getting stuck at Please wait while the update system initializes.