Protecting Java Source Code From Being Accessed [closed]

Last week, I had to create a little GUI for homework. None of my school mates did it. They have stolen my one from where we had to upload it and then they uploaded it again as theirs. When I told my teacher it was all my work he did not believe me.

So I thought of putting a useless method or something inside with a proof that I coded it. I thought of encryption. My best idea up till now:

String key = ("ZGV2ZWxvcGVkIGJ5IFdhckdvZE5U"); //My proof in base64

Can you think of some other better ways?

Solution 1:

I had the same problem as you a long time ago. We had Windows 2000 machines and uploaded files to a Novel network folder that everyone could see. I used several tricks to beat even the best thieves: whitespace watermarking; metadata watermarking; unusual characters; trusted timestamping; modus operandi. Here's them in order.

Whitespace watermarking:

This is my original contribution to watermarking. I needed an invisible watermark that worked in text files. The trick I came up with was to put in a specific pattern of whitespace between programming statements (or paragraphs). The file looked the same to them: some programming statements and line breaks. Selecting the text carefully would show the whitespace. Each empty line would contain a certain number of spaces that's obviously not random or accidental. (eg 17) In practice, this method did the work for me because they couldn't figure out what I was embedding in the documents.

Metadata watermarking

This is where you change the file's metadata to contain information. You can embed your name, a hash, etc. in unseen parts of a file, especially EXE's. In NT days, Alternate Data Streams were popular.

Unusual characters

I'll throw this one in just for kicks. An old IRC impersonation trick was to make a name with letters that look similar to another person's name. You can use this in watermarking. The Character Map in Windows will give you many unusual characters that look similar to, but aren't, a letter or number you might use in your source code. These showing up in a specific spot in someone else's work can't be accidental.

Trusted Timestamping

In a nutshell, you send a file (or its hash) to a third party who then appends a timestamp to it and signs it with a private key. Anyone wanting proof of when you created a document can go to the trusted third party, often a website, to verify your proof of creation time. These have been used in court cases for intellectual property disputes so they are a very strong form of evidence. They're the standard way to accomplish the proof you're seeking. (I included the others first b/c they're easy, they're more fun and will probably work.)

This Wikipedia article might help your instructor understand your evidence and the external links section has many providers, including free ones. I'd run test files through free ones for a few days before using them for something important.

Modus operandi

So, you did something and you now have proof right? No, the students can still say you stole the idea from them or some other nonsense. My fix for this was to, in private, establish one or more of my methods with my instructor. I tell the instructor to look for the whitespace, look for certain symbols, etc. but to never tell the others what the watermark was. If the instructor will agree to keep your simple techniques secret, they will probably continue to work fine. If not, there's always trusted timestamping. ;)

Solution 2:

If your classmates stole your code from the upload site, I would encrypt your homework and email the key to the teacher. You can do this with PGP if you want to be complicated, or something as simple as a Zip file with a password.

EDIT: PGP would allow you to encrypt/sign without revealing your key, but you can't beat the shear simplicity of a Zip file with a password, so just pick a new key every homework assignment. Beauty in simplicity :)