How to pattern match on generic type in Scala?
In general rarry's answer is correct, for your case however it can be simplified, because your container only contains a single value of a generic type, so you can match on that value's type directly:
container match {
case Container(x: String) => println("string")
case Container(x: Double) => println("double")
case _ => println("w00t")
Maybe this will help
def matchContainer[A: Manifest](c: Container[A]) = c match {
case c: Container[String] if manifest <:< manifest[String] => println(c.value.toUpperCase)
case c: Container[Double] if manifest <:< manifest[Double] => println(math.sqrt(c.value))
case c: Container[_] => println("other")
As Impredicative pointed out, Manifest is deprecated. Instead you could do the following:
import reflect.runtime.universe._
def matchContainer[A: TypeTag](c: Container[A]) = c match {
case c: Container[String] if typeOf[A] <:< typeOf[String] => println("string: " + c.value.toUpperCase)
case c: Container[Double] if typeOf[A] <:< typeOf[Double] => println("double" + math.sqrt(c.value))
case c: Container[_] => println("other")