Checking if values in List is part of String
Something like this?
Or even more idiomatically
The simple case is to test substring containment (as remarked in rarry
's answer), e.g.
You didn't say whether you actually want to find whole word matches instead. Since rarry
's answer assumed you didn't, here's an alternative that assumes you do.
val a = "some random test message"
val words = a.split(" ")
val keys = Set("hi","random","test") // could be a List (see below)
words.exists(keys contains _)
Bear in mind that the list of keys is only efficient for small lists. With a list, the contains
method typically scans the entire list linearly until it finds a match or reaches the end.
For larger numbers of items, a set is not only preferable, but also is a more true representation of the information. Sets are typically optimised via hashcodes etc and therefore need less linear searching - or none at all.