I have two accounts on Openshift platform. How can I setup my computer so that I can manage both of them with rhc? I cannot find any relevant option in the command line arguments.

The rhc command-line tools come with the global option -l, --rhlogin LOGIN. You have two options:

  1. Use the -l flag with every command to specify the login name:

    rhc app create <appname> <cartridge> [-l <login1/login2>]
  2. Run rhc setup -l LOGIN between the sessions. Once done managing apps from one account you can end the session for it by running rhc account logout.

    rhc setup -l <login1> # First account's login
    rhc app create <appname> <cartridge>
    rhc logout
    rhc setup -l <login2> # Second account's login
    rhc app create <appname> <cartridge>
    rhc logout

When you can rhc setup command, the username information gets stored in .openshift/express.conf file; hence the need to run it again when you want to switch the account.

The command line also supports --conf - where you pass a file. You can always alias the command via a shell script.

Quite old question, but I use yet another solution which seems to be more comfortable (at least for me) - the environment variable OPENSHIFT_CONFIG.

The OPENSHIFT_CONFIG environment variable can be used to override the OpenShift configuration name (by default "express"). When set the operations performed with rhc refers to ~/.openshift/${OPENSHIFT_CONFIG}.conf (instead of ~/.openshift/express.conf).

To switch to the another OpenShift account the following could be used (Bash):

export OPENSHIFT_CONFIG=thenewone 
rhc apps    //apps on the new account

rhc apps    //apps on the default account

Verified with rhc 1.37.1, but should work with any version released after May 2013.