Desktop icons rearrange after using remote desktop connection

I know about 3rd party software that will restore the arrangement of the desktop icons after you make a remote desktop connection.

The 1st link is for the software, and the 2nd one is a blog post about this software (explaining generally how to use it, though it's an easy interface and easy to use software)

I know this is a very old question, but I am hoping that my answer provides useful information for future visitors to this question. See the answer at Realign Remote Desktop session icons to physical desktop's for an explanation of how icon positions are stored separately for different resolutions. So even though you can see there is physically enough room to accommodate all of your icons within both resolutions, each resolution has its own collection of icon positions maintained independently.

To prevent the moving of the icons by using the remote machine's native resolution, you could follow the tip at to enable smart sizing. This would effectively scale down the remote machine's pixels to match that of your machine, although no guarantees can be made about quality or readability.