Truly disable Bluetooth computer's discovery in Windows 10

Solution 1:

There are 2 states of the local Bluetooth Radio:

  • Connectable state means that Bluetooth device can accept connections.
  • Discoverable state allows other devices to discover your one.

In early Windows versions there were 2 checkboxes: "Allow to discover.." and "Allow to connect..". I do not know why the second one was removed in Windows 10.

However you can control the sates programmatically using BluetoothEnableDiscovery() and BluetoothEnableIncomingConnections() functions.

As you asked to do that without programming you can call the functions from PowerShell (here is the link describes how to call WinAPI from PowerShell:

Or I wrote very simple console application that switches the Bluetooth Radio states. You can find its source code and compiled exe by this link: