Binding variables from Service/Factory to Controllers

You can't bind variables. But you can bind variable accessors or objects which contain this variable. Here is fixed jsfiddle.

Basically you have to pass to the scope something, which can return/or holds current value. E.g.


app.factory('testFactory', function(){
    var countF = 1;
    return {
        getCount : function () {

            return countF; //we need some way to access actual variable value
            return countF;


function FactoryCtrl($scope, testService, testFactory)
    $scope.countFactory = testFactory.getCount; //passing getter to the view
    $scope.clickF = function () {
        $scope.countF = testFactory.incrementCount();


<div ng-controller="FactoryCtrl">

    <!--  this is now updated, note how count factory is called -->
    <p> This is my countFactory variable : {{countFactory()}}</p>

    <p> This is my updated after click variable : {{countF}}</p>

    <button ng-click="clickF()" >Factory ++ </button>