How to send multipart/form-data request using Postman [closed]

I am currently using the Chrome Addon Postman - REST Client to easily create POST / GET request.

Now I want to debug an upload script and I am looking for a way to make requests encoded as "multipart/form-data" so that I can send also a file.

Solution 1:

UPDATE: I have created a video on sending multipart/form-data requests to explain this better.

Actually, Postman can do this.

enter image description here

Full example:

enter image description here

You DON'T need to add any headers, Postman will do this for you automatically.

enter image description here

Make sure you check the comment from @maxkoryukov

Be careful with explicit Content-Type header. Better - do not set it's value, the Postman is smart enough to fill this header for you. BUT, if you want to set the Content-Type: multipart/form-data - do not forget about boundary field.

Solution 2:

The usual error is one tries to put Content-Type: {multipart/form-data} into the header of the post request. That will fail, it is best to let Postman do it for you. For example:

Suggestion To Load Via Postman Body Part

Fails If In Header Common Error

Works should remove content type from the Header