import .R cannot be resolved when I import actionbarsherlock

I want to be able to use the action bar in my android project (2.3), so I am trying to import the actionbarsherlock library. However, I am having problems....

I've imported the library, edited the build path of my android project to include the library, and also deleted the android-support-v4 jar from the ABS /libs directory and copied my project's android-support-v4 into the ABS /libs directory to solve the jar mismatch. However, now that I've done all those things, my project can't resolve myproject.R anywhere. I import myproject.R in almost all of my .java files, and they all have the same error ("The import com.myproject.R cannot be resolved"). In addition, when I clean my project, I get a lot of errors in the console window:

They all go along the lines of:

error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Theme.Holo.Light'.

To my knowledge, R is where all of the layout information is stored, so I have no idea why this is even a problem...

I've been working on this error for days, and I'm extremely frustrated and finally decided to take it to stack overflow. Thanks guys for the help!

ActionBarSherlock is a library project.

So import the library project in your eclipse

enter image description here

Its a library project. To check Right Click on your library project. goto Properties.

Choose android. You will see a Is Library checked as shown in the below pic.

enter image description here

Add your library project to your Android project.

Right click on your Android project. Goto Properties . Choose android . Click add button add the library to your project. You can see a green tick in the below pic.

enter image description here

Make sure you have one copy of andorid-suuport-v4.jar in your libs folder.

Do not import R.*;

You will see two one for the library project and one for your android project. Clean and build.

enter image description here