What is the "thirsty" equivalent of "ravenously"?

When you eat something very hungrily, you can use the adverb "ravenously" to describe it. But when you drink something very fast in a similar way to quench your thirst, what adverb can you use to describe it?

Solution 1:

I don't think there's a perfect word for this, but here are some suggestions:


  • This does not, of course, refer specifically to thirst, or to the action, but it does mean "incapable of being satisfied", which covers the motivation and thereby suggests the action.


  • "having a huge appetite". Of course appetite typically relates to food, but one can have an appetite for anything: consider "a voracious reader". Interestingly, MW has this to say about the origin:

Latin vorac-, vorax, from vorare to devour; akin to Old English ācweorran to guzzle, Latin gurges whirlpool, Greek bibrōskein to devour

Of course "guzzle" specifically refers to drinking.


  • "quenchable" = to relieve or satisfy with liquid, so unquenchably would be with the inability to be relieved or satisfied with liquid.


  • which can apply equally to food or drink: "having a strong desire for food or drink".

"drank greedily" has a number of hits on Google books - and is at least once paired with eating ravenously:

Inside he found the food and water his body craved; he ate ravenously and drank greedily.

Solution 2:

Agree with "parchedly," but that's a pretty sorry word! You may be better off using a different verb than "to drink": gulp or guzzle, or, taking considerable poetic license with the meaning of the words, gasp or croak ("he gasped / croaked down a liter of water"). Another alternative is to use an adverb not specifically meaning "thirstily" but implying intensity or earnestness ("he desperately / furiously drank...").

Solution 3:

gulpingly might fit

gulpingly: (adverb) in a gulping manner

gulp: (transitive verb) often foll by down to swallow rapidly, esp in large mouthfuls

I see the usage of "guzzlingly" also but there is no dictionary entry. It might be a neologism.

guzzle: To drink greedily or habitually: guzzle beer.

Other than that, you can always use "greedily" which is more common.