What would a cult member call a non-believer?

I'm looking for a term that a crazy cult member would apply to an outsider, a term that implies that such a "non-believer" is ignorant and of lesser worth -- ideally, something that is humorous because it is slightly ridiculous.

For example, an Islamic radical might use "filthy infidel" or an over-the-top Catholic may say "hell-bound heathen," but I'm looking for something that may be uttered by a member of a run-of-the-mill Kool-Aid cult.

  • Heathens
  • Unbelievers
  • Those who choose to live in the dark
  • The unwashed
  • The blind
  • Worshipers of Mammon
  • The unchosen
  • The prodigals
  • Strangers
  • Outsiders
  • The apostates
  • The unworthy
  • Servants of Baal
  • God's rebellious children
  • Lovers of darkness
  • Children of 'The World'

(I really need to stop joining all these secret groups!)

Mundane is fairly likely to see usage this way, referencing someone being concerned with "matters of this world" as opposed to whatever the cult is into. A cult less into traditional dualistic slurs and more into cutesy neologisms might use sheeple. Cults that are about awakening the higher perceptions or psychic powers of their members may derogate non-members as headblind.

And, of course, from A Scanner Darkly, we get the immortal phrase albino shape-shifting lizard bitches, which really cannot be applied frequently enough to describe anybody the speaker wishes to categorize as "other".

How about a nullifidian? Could be a word the cult leader decided to revive.