Solution 1:

There are indeed $112\,184+1\,953+15\,641 993 = 15\,756\,130$ groups of order 2304, computed using an algorithm developed by Bettina Eick and myself. As Alexander Konovalov already kindly pointed out, you can find this number in our paper "The construction of finite solvable groups revisited", J. Algebra 408 (2014), 166–182, also available on the arXiv.

This is part of an on-going project to catalogue all groups up to order 10,000 (with a few orders excepted, e.g. multiples of 1024, as there are simply to many of these). So in particular, we skip groups of order 3072. There are already $49\,487\,365\,422$ groups of order 1024, and I expect the number of groups of order 3072 to be several orders of magnitude larger.

To maybe slightly motivate why I think so, consider this the proportion of number of (isomorphism clases of) groups of order $2^n$ vs $3\cdot 2^n$, computed here using GAP:

gap> List([0..9], n -> NrSmallGroups(3*2^n)/NrSmallGroups(2^n)*1.0);
[ 1., 2., 2.5, 3., 3.71429, 4.52941, 5.77903, 8.66366, 19.4366, 38.9397 ]

If you plot $n$ against $gnu(3\cdot 2^n)/gnu(2^n)$, you'll see a roughly exponentially looking curve. Of course that is a purely empiric argument, not a proof of anything.