How can I get all Cookies of a CookieContainer?

Solution 1:

A solution using reflection:

public static CookieCollection GetAllCookies(CookieContainer cookieJar)
    CookieCollection cookieCollection = new CookieCollection();

    Hashtable table = (Hashtable) cookieJar.GetType().InvokeMember("m_domainTable",
                                                                    BindingFlags.NonPublic |
                                                                    BindingFlags.GetField |
                                                                    new object[] {});

    foreach (var tableKey in table.Keys)
        String str_tableKey = (string) tableKey;

        if (str_tableKey[0] == '.')
            str_tableKey = str_tableKey.Substring(1);

        SortedList list = (SortedList) table[tableKey].GetType().InvokeMember("m_list",
                                                                    BindingFlags.NonPublic |
                                                                    BindingFlags.GetField |
                                                                    new object[] { });

        foreach (var listKey in list.Keys)
            String url = "https://" + str_tableKey + (string) listKey;
            cookieCollection.Add(cookieJar.GetCookies(new Uri(url)));

    return cookieCollection;

.NET 6 Update

Finally, .NET 6 was released and introduced the CookieContainer.GetAllCookies() method which extracts the CookieCollection - Documentation link.

public System.Net.CookieCollection GetAllCookies();

Solution 2:

This method will ensure to get all cookies, no matter what the protocol is:

public static IEnumerable<Cookie> GetAllCookies(this CookieContainer c)
    Hashtable k = (Hashtable)c.GetType().GetField("m_domainTable", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(c);
    foreach (DictionaryEntry element in k)
        SortedList l = (SortedList)element.Value.GetType().GetField("m_list", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(element.Value);
        foreach (var e in l)
            var cl = (CookieCollection)((DictionaryEntry)e).Value;
            foreach (Cookie fc in cl)
                yield return fc;

Solution 3:

The first answer did not work for a portable project. So here's option 2, also uses reflection

using System.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Net;

    public static CookieCollection GetAllCookies(this CookieContainer container)
        var allCookies = new CookieCollection();
        var domainTableField = container.GetType().GetRuntimeFields().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "m_domainTable");            
        var domains = (IDictionary)domainTableField.GetValue(container);

        foreach (var val in domains.Values)
            var type = val.GetType().GetRuntimeFields().First(x => x.Name == "m_list");
            var values = (IDictionary)type.GetValue(val);
            foreach (CookieCollection cookies in values.Values)
        return allCookies;

1) I also tried

var domainTableField = container.GetType().GetRuntimeField("m_domainTable"); 

but it returned null.

2) You can iterate through domains.Keys and use container.GetCookies() for all keys. But I've had problems with that, because GetCookies expects Uri and not all my keys matched Uri pattern.