Delphi Conversion Unicode Issues

Solution 1:

There are many resources available that you can read and that you will assist in the migration from Delphi 6 to Delphi 2009/2010 (Unicode).

You can use these articles as a guide.

  • Unicode Migration Statistics Tool (This utility will hopefully assist you in collecting useful statistics on how hard (or not) it would be to migrate your older applications to Unicode.)
  • Delphi 2009 and Unicode
  • Delphi 2009 strings explained by example
  • Upgrading a major project to Delphi 2009
  • Delphi and Unicode
  • Dr. Bob Delphi 2009 Unicode
  • Delphi 2009 - Unicode in Type Libraries
  • On Strings and Unicode in Delphi 2009
  • Delphi in a Unicode World Part I: What is Unicode, Why do you need it, and How do you work with it in Delphi?
  • Delphi in a Unicode World Part II: New RTL Features and Classes to Support Unicode
  • Delphi in a Unicode World Part III: Unicodifying Your Code
  • CodeRage 4 : Using Unicode and Other Encodings in your Programs


Solution 2:

You'll find some useful answers in these StackOverflow questions:

Move project from Delphi 3 to Delphi 2010

When and Why Should I Use TStringBuilder?

Convert function to delphi 2009/2010 (unicode)

Unicode problems with Delphi 2009 / 2010 and windows API calls

Also, for what it is worth, I purchased Marco Cantu's Delphi 2009 Handbook. It was all I needed to make a relatively smooth converstion from Delphi 4 to Delphi 2009 in only a few weeks.

alt text

I do, however, recommend that you ensure your 3rd party packages have a Delphi 2009 upgrade, or you may have some real difficulties. Converting your own code is one thing. Converting someone else's is another.

I use two 3rd party packages, both with source code. Both had upgrades available, and the developer of one of them wrote that he had a lot of trouble upgrading his very complex component to the Unicode of Delphi 2009. It took him a few months, but he completed it. And as a result, I had little trouble with my implementation of his component when I did my upgrade.