Is there a way to fix the slow space switching animation in Yosemite?

I'm a developer and use spaces extensively. I have my terminal in one space, my editor in another, etc.

When I use ctrl + arrow key to switch to the left or right the animation is incredibly slow (better than in older versions, but still). This is killing it for me.

Is there a way to turn this animation off or influence its speed?

I know there was a command in Snow Leopard that could do that

defaults write workspaces-swoosh-animation-off -bool YES

but it doesn't work anymore. Does anyone know a trick to fix this?



I filled a bug for this with Apple. The Radar number is 19169435. I would encourage you to also file the report at Note in your description that it is a duplicate of the above bug report number to help the support staff categorize and prioritize this bug.

I'm using TotalSpaces (, a small tool a bit more flexible than spaces. There you can switch off transitions in the preferences.