Call a Sub with a String

Solution 1:

Try this

Replace Call pro with Application.Run pro


Private Sub test_Click()
    Dim i As String
    Dim pro As String

    i = 1
    pro = "sale_call" + i

    '~~> This will run sale_call1
    Application.Run pro

    i = 2
    pro = "sale_call" + i

    '~~> This will run sale_call2
    Application.Run pro
End Sub

Sub sale_call1()
    MsgBox "Hello"
End Sub

Sub sale_call2()
    MsgBox "goodbye"
End Sub


If your code is not in a module but in a Userform or Sheet Code area then Application.Run will not work till the time sale_call1 or sale_call2 is not placed in a module. If you do not wish to move them to a module then you will have to use CallByName. Check Excel's inbuilt help on this function. Here is an example which assumes that the code is in Userform1

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim i As String
    Dim pro As String

    i = 1
    pro = "sale_call" + i

    '~~> This will run sale_call1
    CallByName UserForm1, pro, VbMethod

    i = 2
    pro = "sale_call" + i

    '~~> This will run sale_call2
    CallByName UserForm1, pro, VbMethod
End Sub

Sub sale_call1()
    MsgBox "Hello"
End Sub

Sub sale_call2()
    MsgBox "goodbye"
End Sub

Solution 2:

Just add as prefix the workbook name where the macro is hosted. Like when doing a formula in a cell:

Application.Run "WorkbookNameAsString.app_ext!MacroName"