Find the bearing angle between two points in a 2D space

Define the bearing angle $\theta$ from a point $A(a_1,a_2)$ to a point $B(b_1,b_2)$ as the angle measured in the clockwise direction from the north line with $A$ as the origin to the line segment $AB$.

enter image description here


$$ (b_1,b_2) = (a_1 + r\sin\theta, a_2 + r\cos\theta), $$

where $r$ is the length of the line segment $AB$. It follows that $\theta$ satisfies the equation

$$ \tan\theta = \frac{b_1 - a_1}{b_2 - a_2} $$

As suggested by @rogerl we can use the $\mathrm{atan2}$ function to compute $\theta$. Let

$$ \hat{\theta} = \mathrm{atan2}(b_1 - a_1, b_2 - a_2) \in (-\pi,\pi] $$

Then the bearing angle $\theta\in[0,2\pi)$ is given by

$$ \theta = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \hat{\theta}, & \hat{\theta} \geq 0\\ 2\pi + \hat{\theta}, & \hat{\theta} < 0 \end{array}\right. $$

Note that the equations are given in terms of Cartesian coordinates, so it is necessary to transform to screen coordinates. I believe the formula for $\hat{\theta}$ in terms of screen coordinates $(a_1,a_2)$ and $(b_1,b_2)$ is $\hat{\theta} = \mathrm{atan2}(b_1 - a_1,a_2 - b_2)$.

You could code this function in C++ as follows.

#include <cmath>

// Computes the bearing in degrees from the point A(a1,a2) to
// the point B(b1,b2). Note that A and B are given in terms of
// screen coordinates.
double bearing(double a1, double a2, double b1, double b2) {
    static const double TWOPI = 6.2831853071795865;
    static const double RAD2DEG = 57.2957795130823209;
    // if (a1 = b1 and a2 = b2) throw an error 
    double theta = atan2(b1 - a1, a2 - b2);
    if (theta < 0.0)
        theta += TWOPI;
    return RAD2DEG * theta;

I was trying to do the same thing and K. Miller's answer helped me. Since I did it in R, I thought I'd post my code here. I'm not 100% sure that I did the right thing by returning 360 when it could also be 0. This is the first I've touched trig since high school, make sure it's correct before you use it.

bearing = function(x1=10, y1 = 10, x2=3, y2=3){
  if((x1 == x2) & (y1 > y2)){
  }else if((y1 == y2) & (x1 < x2)){
  } else if((y1==y2 & x1 > x2)){
  }else if(y1 == y2 & x1 < x2){
  }else if((x1 == x2) & (y1==y2)){
  theta = atan2(x2 - x1, y1 - y2)
  if(theta < 0){
    theta = theta + 2*pi
  theta = NISTradianTOdeg(theta)