Change the location of an icon in the menu bar?

Solution 1:

If a menu icon is allowed to move, command + mouse select will work.

You might have to patch the program (or System Ui Server). Have you asked the developer if they can implement this as a feature?

Only the Apple icons are movable on my 10.6.7 systems so it certainly isn't easy for a developer to get this working and may be impossible in practice.

The only workaround would be to have a script that delays the radium start as the leftmost item is the last to load. If you had a launch script that slept for 3 minutes and then killed, relaunched that app - it would be leftmost until another started... If it was really important, you could kill and relaunch it periodically every X minutes to ensure that over time it's the leftmost icon without you taking manual action.

Solution 2:

While not a free option, the 1.0 release of Bartender allows you to move any menu bar item around, including system items such as the clock, notification center, and the battery indicator.

Solution 3:

I'm not a fan of adding more clutter (i.e. use extra apps) to de-clutter or organize something + most of solutions do not work well in EL Capitan. My personal annoyance was Fantastical icon separated from clock. What I found is that menubar icons order loosely follows respective app launching order, i.e. first launched app takes right-most spot, next to OS X system icons space.

All I had to do is re-arrage login items order and menubar icons got in their desired places. OS X system icons (clock, wifi, battery) still can be re-arranged using CMD-drag.

enter image description here

p.s. to re-arrange login items you'd have to delete and re-add them. No biggie, just Apple-way of doing things lately :)