In EFI/ UEFI shell how to reboot or shutdown the system?

Having consulted resources related to the commands available in a UEFI/EFi Shell I cannot find two commands I would expect to be available

  1. reboot
  2. poweroff/halt/shutdown

What am I missing here? (can it be that EFI shell is somewhat overengineered, but lacks basic functionality?)

The command reset will do both poweroff and reboot. From the UEFI Shell Specification



Resets the system.


reset [-w|-s|-c [string]] [-fwui]



  • Performs a shutdown


  • Performs a warm boot


  • Performs a cold boot


  • String to be passed to reset service


If the system firmware supports it, perform a reset back to the firmware user interface (FW UI)


To shut down the system:

Shell> reset -s

To cold reset the system and stop boot at the firmware user interface:

Shell> reset –c -fwui