V.I. Arnold says Russian students can't solve this problem, but American students can -- why?

Solution 1:

There is no such right triangle. The maximum possible altitude is half the hypotenuse (inscribe the triangle into a circle to see this), which here is $5$ inches. You would only get $30$ square inches if you tried to compute the area without checking whether the triangle actually exists.

Solution 2:

There are many ways to prove that such triangle does not exist. I am using a different approach.

enter image description here

Suppose that the said right angled triangle can be formed. Then, we are interested in where should the foot of the said altitude (CD) be? [That is, how far is D (on AB) from A (or from B)?]

We assume that D is $\alpha$ and $\beta$ units from A and B respectively.

Clearly, we have $\alpha + \beta = 10$ …… (1)

Also, by a fact on right angled triangles, we have $\alpha \beta= 6^2$ ……… (2)

EDIT : That fact is "Power of a point".

To find $\alpha$ and $\beta$ is equivalent to solving the quadratic equation $x^2 – 10x + 36 = 0$.

Since the discriminant $(= [-10]^2 - 4 \times 36)$ is negative , we can conclude that such roots ($\alpha$ and $\beta$) are not real.

Solution 3:

enter image description here

The red line represents all possible third vertices for triangles with base 10 and height 6;

The blue curve represents all possible third vertices for right triangles with hypotenuse 10.

The two sets have null intersection.

(in fact, the maximum possible third angle 6 units away is $\arccos(\frac{11}{61})\approx$ 79.6°)

(and yes, technically we should include the corresponding points below the segment as well)

Solution 4:

By mistake, one can fairly easily calculate the area of given right triangle as $\frac{1}{2}(10)(6)=30$ but this is incorrect. Why? Perhaps, this is the intuition behind the question that one should first check the existence of such a right triangle with given data before calculating area.

A right triangle with hypotenuse $10$ & an altitude of $6$ drawn to it doesn't exist because the maximum possible length of altitude drawn to the hypotenuse is $5$ i.e. half the length of hypotenuse. Here is an analytic proof to check existence of such a right triangle.

Statement: The maximum length of altitude, drawn from right angled vertex to the hypotenuse of length $a$ in a right triangle, is $a/2$ i.e. half the length of hypotenuse.

Proof: Let $x$ & $y$ be the legs (of variable length) of the right triangle having hypotenuse $a$ (known value) then using Pythagorean theorem, one should have $$x^2+y^2=10^2$$ $$y^2=a^2-x^2\tag 1$$ Now, the length of altitude say $p$ drawn to the hypotenuse in right triangle is given as $$=\color{blue}{\frac{(\text{leg}_1)\times (\text{leg}_2)}{(\text{hypotenuse})}}=\frac{xy}{a}$$ $$\implies p=\frac{xy}{a}$$$$\iff a^2p^2=x^2y^2\tag 2$$ let $a^2p^2=P$ (some other variable ), now setting value of $y^2$ from (1), $$P=x^2(a^2-x^2)=a^2x^2-x^4$$ $$\frac{dP}{dx}=2a^2x-4x^3$$ $$\frac{d^2P}{dx^2}=2a^2-12x^2\tag 3$$ For maxima or minima, setting $\frac{dP}{dx}=0$, $$2a^2x-4x^3=0\implies x=0,\frac{a}{\sqrt 2}, -\frac{a}{\sqrt 2}$$, But $x>0$, hence $x=\frac{a}{\sqrt 2}$. Now, setting this value of $x$ in (3), $$\frac{d^2P}{dx^2}=2a^2-12\left(\frac{a}{\sqrt 2}\right)^2=-4a^2<0$$ hence, $P$ i.e. $a^2p^2$ is maximum at $x=\frac{a}{\sqrt 2}$ hence, from (1), the corresponding value of $y$, $$y=\sqrt{a^2-\frac{a^2}{2}}=\frac{a}{\sqrt 2}$$

hence, the maximum possible length of altitude drawn (from right angled vertex ) to the hypotenuse, $$\color{red}{p}=\frac{xy}{a}=\frac{\frac{a}{\sqrt 2}\frac{a}{\sqrt 2}}{a}=\color{red}{\frac{a}{2}}$$ So if the length of altitude $p$ is greater than $\frac{a}{2}$ (half the length of hypotenuse) then such a right triangle doesn't exist.

Solution 5:

Non-Euclidian triangle on a sphere

Here a non-Euclidian answer to the question

The depicted sphere has a circumference of length 40, and thus a radius of $\frac{20}{\pi}$. The points $A$ and $B$ are located on the equator, and $C$ is located on a pole.

Now $\triangle ABC$ is a right triangle (it even has two right angles), since all meridians intersect the equator perpendicularly.

Define $AC$ to be the hypothenusa, with length $10$. The height, being the shortest distance from $B$ to its hypothenusa $AC$ is then indeed $6$. As $\triangle ABC$ covers $\frac6{40}$ of the upper hemisphere, its area is:

$$A_{\text{triangle}} = \frac{6}{40}\times\frac{1}{2}\times 4\pi r^2 = \frac{120}{\pi}$$
