Verbs to describe how light moves

I'm writing a sentence where pale gray morning light is being viewed through window blinds. I'm trying to think of a way to describe its entrance without sounding cliché. What are some good verbs to use for how light moves?

Solution 1:

The verb shift in one of its forms might be suitable. "Shifting light", "the light shifted", ...

You could also use wove or weaved, as in "As the light gently wove its way through the blinds ..."

Solution 2:

permeate might fit.

v. ~ to pass into or through every part of: sunshine permeating the room

Example: The morning light permeated the room through the window blinds.

Solution 3:

The word glint is is nice and pithy. Light also could gleam or glare, sparkle, glimmer, or shimmer.

enter image description here

Solution 4:

The early pale morning light spilled into the room
The early pale morning light filtered into the room
The early pale morning light slipped through the blinds

Morning light spilled has 2,010 results in Google books. Morning light filtered earns a respectable 13,200 results, whereas morning light slipped gains only 264 results. If the OP is looking for an expression which is not clichéd, slipped is a worthy candidate.